Preventing Relapse

A significant factor in the vicious cycle of addiction is relapse. Like depression or PTSD, addiction is a co-occurring disorder that can be triggered by the smallest thing and can easily spiral out of control after months of hard work. So, the main aim of aftercare is to prevent relapse: that is, staying sober.

• Knowing your triggers: Mental, physical, social, and environmental triggers exist and there’s nothing we can do to stop their existence. Identifying these triggers and accepting them before they hit you is what you will learn from an aftercare program
• Conquering cravings: A whole host of situations face you in the real world which will more than likely make you want a taste of the old life. High -risk situations like starting a new job, getting a new partner, or moving house can spark an urge or strong desire. Learning how to curb these cravings is essential in aftercare.
• Contingency management: This basically means thinking things through. Aftercare aims to enable you to think of the consequences of your actions, in this case, a relapse. Rather than acting on impulse, you will be taught how to think ahead and will be able to apply a moral judgement to the tempting situation
• Making note of lapses: Relapse is a full-blown recession into old ways, while a lapse is a momentary slip. If you do lapse, it’s important to be honest and seek support imminently to prevent you from slipping further and undoing all your work You’ve reached the end of your rehabilitation program congratulations. This milestone in your life has only been accomplished through your own determination and hard work.
Leaving rehab facility does not mean the end of the road for you. Our aftercare programs are as important as the treatment itself. Although the timeline for rehab or any formal treatment duration will vary , at some point this phase of recovery will approach an end point. Ongoing recovery efforts, however, are likely and encouraged to continue. This is where diligent aftercare planning becomes important. Substance abuse treatment programs that make lasting recovery a priority will not send program participants on their way without a solid discharge plan and connecting them with quality aftercare programs.
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