Interventions are for the whole family.
Intervention Process
The aim of a successful intervention is to assist loved ones in acknowledging the gravity of their addiction or mental health issues, to understand its impact on themselves and others, and to guide them through the recovery journey. Witnessing a loved one battle with addiction and mental health challenges, while feeling helpless to assist, can be an incredibly distressing and heart-wrenching ordeal.
It is critical to stop trying to manage one’s addiction or mental health behaviors and access the services a professional interventionist can offer. A professional intervention is proven to be the link that best supports the individuals to accept help and begin to find solutions to help manage the complexities of their addictions and/or mental health challenges.
Intervention Steps:
Family Assessment Meeting: Develop a thorough assessment and intervention treatment plan for the identified individual and family affected by addiction or mental health challenges.
Intervention Team: A team is formed consisting of family, friends and sometimes a coworker or boss. The intervention specialist will offer support by educating all participants on addiction, mental health challenges, recovery treatment process and other intervention processes.
Intervention Preparation Meeting: Educate those involved on the cycle of addiction, mental health challenges, recovery treatment process and letter writing assignments.
Intervention Action Plan: This includes scheduling a specific day, time of day, location, and guest list.
Treatment Referrals: There are many types of treatment centers out there. We will assist you to find one that meets your needs and coordinate with the staff.
Intervention Meeting: The Intervention is directed by the Certified Intervention professional.
8.Travel Coordination: Travel arrangements are selected to transport the client directly to treatment on the day of the intervention.
Aftercare Services: We offer post-intervention/aftercare, and case management.
Who is an Intervention specialist?
A Certified Intervention Professional has extensive experience with the best evidence-based approaches. A credentialed CIP is key in identifying an individual with a high level of training, education, and ethics.
A CIP applies their knowledge, skills and experience to guide, educate and support the family while offering the best treatment options available to the families and clients that they are working with.
What is the role of an Interventionist?
A Certified Intervention Professional is a highly trained specialist who specializes in substance abuse disorders and other addictions and/or mental health conditions.
A CIP navigates educating and guiding family and friends on how to communicate with their loved ones struggling with addictions and/or mental health challenges, with the goal of the individual accepting professional treatment.
Interventionists are trained professionals.
With our industry-leading 85% success rate, we are highly qualified to support individuals and their families.
We will prepare the intervention process, guide the intervention team, and lead the overall intervention event. It is important to share from your heart to the heart of your loved one, this process is directed by the interventionist with guidance by writing letters or preparing a statement.
Contact us Today!
Toll Free Internationally 1-800-638-1812 Office 415-578-2875 Cell /Text415-827-3725