Sober companion 24/7 support and transport services.
One on One Therapeutic Services
What is a sober companion? Your first weeks and months clean and sober are critical. Honesty and accountability are key. A Sober Companion is a service that helps to keep you accountable. A sober companion, in some cases, is someone who can stay with you for an extended period of time.
What does a sober companion do?
- One on one sober coaching and support
- Working with a case manager or other professionals
- Supporting persons on business trips
- It’s common to travel with persons to best support their recovery needs
- Supporting recovery meeting attendance
- Random drug and alcohol test
- Learn life skills such as budgeting, applying for jobs or school.
- Providing 24/7 accountability support
- Helping persons with drug and alcohol triggers
- Creating new pattern and recovery plans
Sober transport companion.
Sober transport is the service of having a professional sober or therapeutic companion accompany someone to a location for treatment. This may be someone suffering from a substance use disorder, or it may be someone working through a mental health or other behavioral health issue.
We can provide professional full-time sober companions who are trained to deliver clients pre, post and during treatment to their destinations, with the knowledge that their transportation is safe from harm or unwelcome temptations.
- Ensuring that someone needing treatment will be able to get to that location safely (and without hurting themselves or using substances on the way there) is one of the most important considerations for treatment, especially if someone is unable or unwilling to go with their family.
CanAm Interventions Sober transport services serve symbolically as a clean break for the person battling a substance abuse disorder or mental health issue, where they are assured of their safety and given someone to talk to and confide with while in route.
Our transportation services specialize in providing transportation for clients to and from inpatient treatment and aftercare facilities. We have found that following an intervention or during times of change clients can feel raw or emotional increasing their chance of falling into old behaviors.
Contact us:
Toll Free Internationally1-800-638-1812 Cell: 415-827-3725Office: 415-578-2875