Playing sports on a regular basis will boost your overall health and offer many other benefits. You might enjoy playing sports because you can spend time with your friends. Or maybe you like sports because they keep you fit.Playing sports can also benefit your mental health. Playing sports canhelp you feel happier or less stressed. Playing sports calms your mind, strengthens your muscles, and improves your overall well-being. People of all ages and of all physical parameters can play a variation of different sports and receive these benefits in their lives. 

How playing sports can help benefityour mental health

We all know that sports are great for your physical health. But sports also have many other psychological benefits:

Helps moderate stress. 

About 75% to 90% of doctor visits are for stress-related illnesses. Sports help you manage stress. Causes your body to release endorphins- the chemicals in your brain that relieve pain and stress. It also reduces the levels of stress hormones, cortisol, and adrenaline.Studies have shown that 20 to 30 minutes of exercise each day can make people feel calmer. This calmness continues several hours after exercise.

Improves your mood

Playing a sport such as golf or skiing forces you to put aside your worries and concentrate on the task at hand. This helps you clear your mind and calm down and can also help with sleep issues. 

Produces long-term mental health effects.

 Participation in sports can have long-term effects on your mental health. Researchers studied children who had bad childhood experiences, such as physical and sexual abuse, or emotional neglect. They found that those children who took part in team sports had better mental well-being when they were adults.

Mental healthimproves with team sports.

 Taking part in group sports has a greater impact on mental health than individual sports. Research has shown that women who played group sports such as, tennis and basketball, had better mental health than those who exercised alone, like walking or working out at the gym.A study of teenage athletes found that those who played individual sports more likely reported experiencing anxiety and depression. This may be because those in team sports often play for fun. Individual sports don’t require another person to compete together and may bring the athlete more stress than enjoyment. 

Helps fight addiction.

 Studies have shown that teenagers who played in team sports were less likely to smoke cigarettes and use cannabis as adults. Sports became part of a healthy routine that would act as a substitute in the brain over a desire to use drugs and/or alcohol to obtain the feelings of fun, belonging, a sense of purpose, self-esteem and other fundamental building blocks of good mental health.

Helps suppress depression.

 Sports help treat depression. Studies show that exercise improves symptoms of depression and reduces the risk of relapse. Exercise has found to be as effective as standard antidepressants, with modest amounts of exercise helping to improve depression.

Improves serious mental disorders.

 Exercise can help if you have a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia, anxiety and paranoia to name a few. It improves some symptoms of schizophrenia, including loss of motivation and thinking difficulties, but is less effective with other symptoms like hallucinations.

Our mental health is the primary foundation to our lives. When we exercise and build our mental health, we are improving all aspects of our lives. The mind, the body and our soul are all connected to our mental health as well as life outside of our bodies such as relationships. It is important to have these tools,such as sports, to keep a clean bill of mental health. Other tools are familiar to many of us such as meditation, talk therapy, craft hobbies and listening to music as some of the many other examples made available. Our goal at Can-Am Interventions is to assist all our clients in reaching the level of good mental health that is needed for us to live our best lives. We treat all variations of addictions and mental health problems for the sole purpose of helping you achieve a strong and good bill of mental health. Hopefully some of the methods listed above will help you achieve this goal. But if additional assistance is required, Can-Am is here to clarify any concerns and to provide the necessary treatment that you deserve. We are here and ready to assist you when you are ready to take control of your mental wellbeing. We look forward to meeting you and to assist you in reaching your best potential of mental wellbeing.

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