CanAm Interventions facilitates Young Adult Interventions both in the U.S. and Canada.

We have extensive experience with a high success rate of supporting adolescents into alcohol or drug rehabs to deal with addictions, mental health conditions and related behaviors.

We provide crisis interventions for families who are struggling with their young adult challenging behaviors, which can be a difficult and overwhelming for families. It is vitally important for families to seek help from a professional.
Addictive personality in adolescents can show up in negative behaviors, self-defeating actions, behavior outbursts, drugs or alcohol addictions, acting out on self-harm, involvement in the criminal justice system, and repeated negative consequences due to the addictions. It takes a special skill set to make connection with adolescents and important to have professionals skilled in working with young adults.

At CanAm Interventions, we are highly qualified interventionists specializing in dealing with young adults. We have facilitated drug or alcohol interventions and/or behavior interventions for young adults throughout the U.S. and Canada in areas such as; Los Angeles CA, Vancouver
B.C., Tuscan Arizona, Sacramento, CA, Toronto Ontario, Canada, San Francisco CA, Halifax N.S., St. John’s Newfoundland and Moncton New Brunswick. These interventions include working with teens and their families by developing treatment plans to meet the client needs.
Unlocking the mystery of addiction for your son or daughter, parents tend to ask themselves, “Where did I go wrong?” Parents share with our counselors their feelings of guilt, remorse, and sadness, not knowing what steps to take next. Parents want to protect their child from the world of addiction, no matter what the age of the child.

We at CanAm Interventions can help make this happen. Professional intervention help is available today, you do not have to this alone. When you stop fighting your child’s addiction, and start fighting for recovery, miracles happen. 23 million young people in America and Canada are addicted to drugs or alcohol. A parent’s goal is to keep their child safe.

Young Adult Addiction Warning Signs:

• School performance and grades are progressively declining.
• The use of outside influences to feel good about themselves.
• Tendency to push family members and close friends away, and to not attend family functions.
• Parents noticing their loved ones are sick more than usual.
• Young adults hanging out with new friends and/or not meeting curfews.

• Prescription drugs and alcohol are going missing from the home.
• Irritability, loss of interest of school or sports, or emotional withdrawal
• Criminal activity and involvement with police and/or violent behavior
• Red eyes, poor personal hygiene, decreased body weight, needle marks, scratching and/or picking at the body
• Mood swings, depression, anxiety, dishonesty, and secretive and suspicious behavior.
1-800-638-1812 Toll Free Internationally
415-827-3725 Cell /Text
415-578-2875 Office

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