History on Al-Anon:

Founded in 1951, by Lois W and Anne B, in Virginia Beach VA, Al-Anon is an organization that was created as a spiritual fellowship (not a religious one) to support and aid people who have been impacted by another person’s alcoholism or addiction.

Their inspiration derived from the birth of another organization founded 16 years earlier known as, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), in June of 1935 by co-founder bill W (husband of Lois W). Al-Anon adopted the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous for their own use, changing the word “Alcoholics” in the 12th step to “others” (“We tried to carry this message to others”).

Purpose of Al-Anon:

 The prime purpose of Al-Anon is not to stop alcoholism and addiction in others, but rather as a support system for those close to the people that suffer from alcoholism and/or addiction. In the organization’s own words, Al-anon is a “worldwide fellowship that offers a program of recovery for the families and friends of Alcoholics, whether or not the alcoholic recognizes the existence of a drinking problem or seeks help”.

What is Ala-teen?

Ala-teen is part of the Al-Anon fellowship with the purpose to accommodate the younger relatives, and friends, of Alcoholics through the teen years which began in 1957 when a teenager named Bob joined Al-Anon with five other young people who had been affected by the alcoholism of a family member.

Current Al-Anon Meetings

As of today, there are currently over 24,000 Al-anon groups, and nearly 1,500 Ala-teen groups in 118 countries. There is only one requirement for membership. It’s that each member has been affected by someone else’s alcoholism or addiction.

If you are someone that is affected by another’s alcoholism, or addiction, For more information please contact Can-Am Interventions for consultation or to find an al-anon meeting: https://al-anon.org/al-anon-meetings/find-an-al-anon-meeting

For More Information: E: patti.pike@canaminterventions.com W: www.canaminterventions.com

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