Families struggling with their Loved Ones Addictions

The addict is their own worst enemy, yet they lash out at everyone else especially their family. Addicts tend to lie, cheat and steal. As a result, their family members will fight and argue. The situation becomes intolerable. The family has become dysfunctional, how can they begin to heal? When one person is sick the whole system suffers. The family members of a person who is addicted, are typically concerned with their loved one’s wellbeing, safety and health.

They may not have much open communication which can be difficult especially if they are worried about their loved one’s safety. Family systems work is incredibly beneficial when there is a person who needs assistance with addiction or mental health issues. It is imperative that the whole family begins to get treatment if they want their loved one to recover. The identified patient did not get to the place they are today on their own and will be needing support from their family if they want to change.

Change will not happen overnight. A new support structure needs to be introduced. A structure is necessary to build on the individual relationships, and have the whole family come together as a unified whole. Consistency is key. It is also important for the family to get their own support as well as education on what their loved one may be going through so in the future when different situations arise, they know how to a sustain in a meaningful way.

This may mean that they need to back off and get their own help. Still, they can show they care and support their loved one with as much cooperation, respect and love as possible without enabling destructive habits. This is also a good opportunity for both to seek outside resources, such as 12 step meetings or even from professionals such as an interventionist or therapist. Bringing another person in who understands the addict’s mind can be very beneficial. That person can also be a neutral advocate for both parties.

There are 12 step meetings not only for the still suffering addict, but the family as well such as Al-Anon and many others to assist the family member to gain some insight and understanding of their loved one. Many family members find great support and a platform just for venting at Al-Anon and other similar groups. This can be a new life. Many people find lifetime friends and a new appreciation for their caring and supportive community.

patti.pike@canaminterventions.com www.canaminterventions.com

Take the first step.