If you feel like you lack confidence, there are some commonly suggested ways to build it up. Many of these have evidence to back them up, while all have the potential to help you to feel better about yourself and your abilities. 


Here are our top five tips to build confidence: 

1. Practice self-care 

Self-confidence and self-care are often closely linked. Things such as self-esteem, exercising regularly, sleeping well, and developing a healthy diet, can all make you feel better about yourself. 

Taking time to assess your needs can help you to identify what makes you feel good about yourself. Practices such as mindfulness, and gratitude, can also help to reduce stress, improve emotion regulation, and improve sleep. 

2. Build positive relationships

Those who are negative and try to bring you down can often drain your confidence. It is suggested that to improve self-esteem, try to spend less time with those people. Instead, aim to build relationships with people who appreciate you. Their positivity can help you to feel more confident. 

3. Work on a growth mindset 

Some research shows that, those with a growth mindset tend to have higher self-esteem and resilience, than those with a fixed mindset. While there is an argument about whether confidence affects a growth mindset or vice versa, building a growth mindset can help with other areas of your life. 

4. Challenge yourself 

Mental health advocates recommend setting yourself a challenge to help build confidence. Although it’s natural to be nervous about trying new things, those with confidence will take on the challenge regardless. 

They also recommend setting goals, which can help with forming new behaviors, giving focus, and starting to make gradual progress. 

5. Practice self-affirmations 

Various studies have shown the power of affirmations. Essentially, by telling yourself about your strengths and how confident you are, you can reinforce these positive thoughts. One particular study demonstrates that self-affirmations can help to maintain our self-efficacy, which is a key component of confidence. 

Other studies have shown that neural pathways in the brain respond when people practice self-affirmations. Some examples of positive affirmations for confidence include: 

  • I choose to believe I am confident.
  • I am confident and value myself.
  • I am confident in my abilities.
  • I let go of limiting beliefs and choose to trust myself.


Building self-confidence is a very important, and crucial, part to living healthy. Not only is it important to your own health but has an impact on those close to you. By practicing self-confidence, you are leading by example, which is very beneficial to the people close to you.

Can-Am Interventions specializes in assisting individuals and families in all types of mental health healing and training. Contact our team for any questions and treatment options.

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