Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses

Some of us have an idea of who we are, the type of person that we want to be. We have good intentions in our actions and try to become who it is that we aspire to become. Many times throughout this process we are met with realities of what we are actually capable of. The one thing to understand in these situations is that we are human, we make many mistakes, and we can tend to set the bar at unrealistic heights. Can-Am Interventions would like to bring awareness to this thought process, and to shed some light into how to manage unrealistic standards that we set for ourselves.

Managing expectations

There is nothing wrong with shooting for the moon. Dreaming big is how we as a society have been able to overcome adversity, to make major advancements in technology , science and medicine, and its how we have evolved in human civilization. To best accomplish these very important and sophisticated goals, it is important to know yourself. To know what your strengths and weaknesses are to be best prepared for such tasks.

Below are just some tips on how to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses:

  • Communication. Being in your head and doing all the thinking alone can be a dangerous place to cultivate thoughts and big ideas. Having a support circle of friends, family or colleagues that you feel comfortable with to speak your mind and share your ideas is a great way to refine your thoughts and ideas which in turn should allow for success in the pursuit of your goals.
  • Decision making process. When making important decisions, it is very crucial to focus on the facts and to understand the reality of the situation. As humans we tend to bring emotion into all aspects of our lives, especially the major life changing decisions. Emotions are a good thing but can also complicate a matter that is not very complicated. Being aware of this can greatly change how you approach a task or problem, and will help you utilize the skills that you possess to make successful choices and actions.
  • Knowledge. If we are to make the best decisions that we are capable of then we must make sure we got the facts straight. Ignorance comes in many forms and most of the time we cant really see that we are doing it. Its great to have good intentions and to try and bring these ideas to fruition, but a good attitude and good intentions will avail us nothing if we don’t have the proper knowledge and information regarding the task we are attempting to change.
  • Mental health. Perhaps the most important of the tips listed in this article. Mental health has the biggest impact on our thought processes. If we grew up in an unstable home as a child, or perhaps a serious trauma occurred as a young adult, or the many other things that people experience that lead to an unhealthy mental state that almost all of us go through, we can become jaded to the actual reality of what any given situation truly is, thus making a proper decision virtually impossible. You owe it to yourself to work on yourself so that you are prepared to accomplish and achieve the things in life that are important to you.

Getting help

Life is hard. Regardless of how some people seem like they have it all together, we all struggle with certain aspects of our lives. We all have insecurities, we all have weaknesses, and we all make mistakes. But that is ok because we are human, and it is allowable as a human to make mistakes. If we can understand and embrace that then we will automatically become a better version of ourselves and will be more successful in our goals and dreams. Can-Am promotes healthy living and healthy thinking. We understand the many human experiences and downfalls that occur in our lives, and we are here to provide clarity and support for those who are struggling, or who just may need a little guidance to get them started. Whatever it is that you require to obtain these tools, we are here for you. If you or someone you care about is struggling with these types of problems, please feel free to contact us. We are here and ready to assist you.

For More Information:


1-800-638-1812 Toll Free Internationally

415-827-3725 Cell /Text 415-578-2875 Office

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