If you are new or coming back to recovery, you most likely are already aware of the complexity and devotion required to achieve healthy sobriety and clean time, and not only to achieve clean time but to also be practicing and living these principles. The recovery process takes time, and people will achieve it more easily if they accept that this is a “one step at a time” process. The virtue of patience will be one of your most valuable tools of practicing recovery. The good news is that patience can be developed and practiced.
Patience is the ability to deal with problems or stress in a calm manner and the insight of knowing that there will be bumps in the road and overcoming those bumps and gaining wisdom are where the lessons are learned. People who are patient are better able to recognize that they can’t get everything they want right away and are willing to wait and put in effort in the present because they believe that the future reward will be worth it. Having patience in recovery can help people avoid relapse, learn to deal with difficult situations in a healthy way and help them make steady progress. Can-Am Interventions would like to express the importance of patience in not only the success of our recovery, but in our lives in general.
The importance of patience in recovery
Drug or alcohol use can affect the pre-frontal cortex, a region of the brain that is responsible for decision-making and self-control. Substance abuse can weaken a person’s self-control and make them more used to giving in to wants or cravings in the moment rather than waiting for a better time or considering the long-term consequences. People in recovery often have to relearn what it’s like to be patient. Practicing it early and often can help people stay on the right track.
While going through detox, rehab or other drug or alcohol treatment, it’s important for a person to have patience with themselves, with others, and with the recovery process as a whole. People should be patient with themselves, because it’s common for treatment to take longer than someone expects. Having patience may not make the process go by quicker but it will make our recovery sustainable. It’s also important for a person to be patient with the people around them. Not everyone will be supportive of the recovery process, and some loved ones may not believe that the person will change or have an understanding of 12 step recovery. Being patient and understanding that rebuilding trust takes time and can help people who are recovering not be as frustrated with the process.
Tips for achieving patience in recovery
Developing patience can take a while, but there are things a person can do to get better at it. Here are some tips to practice and achieve patience in recovery:
Practice waiting
Practice is one of the best ways to get better at being patient. Someone can practice this during addiction recovery by understanding that things will take longer than expected and being willing to be flexible and make changes to treatment plans based on current needs. Other ways to practice patience include finding a hobby that requires a lot of time and focus. This might include spending time gardening and waiting for plants to grow and flourish, learning how to fish, or taking on an art project that involves several steps that require being completed in order. Practicing gratitude can also help us focus on the things we have instead of being frustrated by the goals we haven’t reached. People trying to learn how to practice patience can keep a notebook or journal with them and write down three things they’re thankful for every time they feel impatient.
Keep a journal
A big part of patience is learning how to manage emotions. Journaling in recovery can help with this. Often, writing things down that cause negative emotions like fear, anger or frustration can help us figure out how to deal with them, and can even sometimes help them go away. When we force ourselves to wait and we they think before acting, we can stop ourselves from making decisions that we later regret. Other benefits of journaling in recovery may include being able to track moods and cravings more accurately, which can help us understand our triggers.
Practice mindfulness
Many of us have heard the phrase “focus on the journey, not the destination.” When we focus on the things that are around us in the present moment, we call this mindfulness. Mindfulness in addiction recovery can be very helpful when the end goal seems very far away. Focusing on the present rather than the past or the future can help us reduce feelings of guilt or anxiety. Many studies have shown that practicing mindfulness can help us prevent relapse. We can practice mindfulness in recovery by practicing yoga, meditation, deep breathing relaxation techniques or performing our favorite hobbies. The simplest way to do this, however, is to regularly look, listen, feel and experience what is going on.
Set realistic goals & expectations
If we think that our lives will immediately improve after we go through detox, we will most likely be disappointed. Recovery is a long process, and expecting to get better right away will often lead to frustration, decreased motivation, and depression. Setting goals in recovery is a necessary and ongoing process. It’s important for us to be flexible and change our goals if we realize a plan was too ambitious or if our priorities change. It’s also good to recognize that every single one of us has bad days in recovery, and finding healthy outlets for frustration or other negative emotions can help. These may include having a healthy exercise regiment, venting to a friend or deep breathing.
These are just some of the fundamental methods of achieving patience in recovery and in our lives. Obtaining this valuable tool and virtue will be crucial to the success of our recovery. Ironically, we will need to be patient with ourselves when learning and achieving patience. There is nothing in this world that we can achieve that has substantial importance on our own. We all need help outside of ourselves, be that of a friend, family, colleague or professional assistance. Can-Am has a vast network of experienced people who understand these very principles. We are here to provide any treatment necessary, and guidance needed to accommodate your character and position in your recovery. If you or someone you care about may require such treatment, please reach out to us today. We are here and ready to help you.
For More Information:
E: patti.pike@canaminterventions.com W: www.canaminterventions.com
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Written by Rob Baird