
Resources to guide you through an intervention journey

  • Do you ever threaten a loved one with threats such as, “If you don’t stop drinking or using drugs, I’ll leave you” or “…I’ll kick you out”?
  • Have you been hurt, scared, or embarrassed by a drinker’s or a drug addict’s behavior?
  • Does your loved one appear to be taking too much medication?
  • Is your loved one unable to care for himself or herself or others?
  • Do you feel like a failure because you can’t control the drinking or drug use of a loved one?
  • Do you feel angry, confused, scared, or depressed most of the time due to a loved one’s drug or alcohol problem?
  • Do you feel there is no one who understands your problems?
  • Has your loved one ever disappeared for days?
  • Has your loved one ever stolen money from your purse, bank account, or elsewhere?
  • Has your loved one ever gotten in trouble with the law because of his or her addiction?
  • Has your loved one’s personality changed (mood swings, anger, and acting out)?
  • Has your loved one ever been diagnosed with a mental health disorder?
  • Have you refused social invitations out of fear or anxiety that your loved one’s behavior may be unpredictable due to drinking or drugs?
  • Do you have a loved one who has suddenly lost a lot of weight or sometimes sleeps for days at a time?
  • Does a loved one or coworker get angry or defensive when you discuss the topic of their addiction?
  • Do you often wonder who your loved one will be today – will it be the person you know and love, or will it be a person who frightens/threatens/worries you?
  • Have you ever found liquor bottles or other paraphernalia?
  • Have you ever found bongs or other drug paraphernalia? Needles, syringes, cigarette papers, empty pill bottles with someone else’s name on it, for instance.
  • Have you ever found tiny, empty plastic bags with traces of white powder and wondered what it was?
  • Have you ever been driven to distrust, checking your loved one’s cell phone, email, or text messages?
  • Do you have a co-worker or employee who frequently misses work or is performing poorly due to a suspected problem with drugs or alcohol?
  • Have you thought about reporting or firing an employee who you suspect is abusing drugs?
  • Do you worry about how much or how often someone else drinks or uses drugs?


If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions. Your loved one may have a problem with addiction and need professional help. Consider calling our drug and alcohol experts for a more in-depth assessment.

Because of the complexity of mental illness, it is incredibly important that the intervention process is handled by a trained professional. It can be difficult to identify these disorders because many of them present overlapping symptoms – substance abuse could mask telltale signs of a disorder. It’s also crucial for you to be aware that these interventions can be very emotionally charged.

Your loved one may not believe that they have a problem and may not have ever received a formal diagnosis. They also may have a previous treatment plan that they have chosen to ignore and could believe that they know what’s best for their health even though you see real issues in their day-to-day lives. CanAm Interventions recommend that mental health interventions take place under the supervision of a trained facilitator.

When families call us for help, we are here to start the process of finding recovery solutions. Families tend to be concerned about their own behavior and the harm they’re inflicting on themselves and continuing with trying to manage an unmanageable situation. Family members play different roles who are scared, tired, and don’t know what else to do, other than trying to keep their loved one from not hurting or at times keeping them alive.

The aim of a successful intervention is to assist loved ones in acknowledging the gravity of their addiction or mental health issues, to understand its impact on themselves and others, and to guide them through the recovery journey. Witnessing a loved one battle with addiction and mental health challenges, while feeling helpless to assist, can be an incredibly distressing and heart-wrenching ordeal.

It is critical to stop trying to manage one’s addiction or mental health behaviors and access the services a professional interventionist can offer.  A professional intervention is proven to be the link that best supports the individuals to accept help and begin to find solutions to help manage the complexities of their addictions and/or mental health challenges.

  1. Family Assessment Meeting: Develop a thorough assessment and intervention treatment plan for the identified individual and family affected by addiction or mental health challenges.
  2.  Intervention Team: A team is formed consisting of family, friends and sometimes a coworker or boss. The intervention specialist will offer support by educating all participants on addiction, mental health challenges, recovery treatment process and other intervention processes.
  3. Intervention Preparation Meeting: Educate those involved on the cycle of addiction, mental health challenges, recovery treatment process and letter writing assignments.
  4. Intervention Action Plan: This includes scheduling a specific day, time of day, location, and guest list.
  5. Treatment Referrals: There are many types of treatment centers out there. We will assist you to find one that meets your needs and coordinate with the staff. 
  6.  Intervention Meeting: The Intervention is directed by the Certified Intervention professional.
  7. Travel Coordination: Travel arrangements are selected to transport the client directly to treatment on the day of the intervention.
  8. Aftercare Services: We offer post-intervention/aftercare, and case management.


Why wait when the odds are stacked against the addict? It will be important for the family and the untreated addicted person to have professional intervention guidance to navigate the process of an intervention. With an intervention, the family can learn to set loving limits with the guidance from a professional. A professional intervention can stop the cycle and patterns in your family so the untreated addicted persons are treated by a professional.

The goal of a successful intervention is to help your loved one, and to support the entire family and friends. This all starts with commitment. Seeing a loved one’s struggle with addictions and/or mental health conditions and not being able to help them can be one of the most painful and heartbreaking experiences for parents, family members and friends.

It is critical to stop trying to manage your loved one’s drug and/or alcohol consumption. An intervention can be the helping hand your loved ones need to accept help for addictive behaviors or mental health conditions. 

  • Interventions are an important process directed by a professional to support your family, and to help your loved one realize they have a problem and need treatment.  At CanAm Interventions, we help family and/or friends manage the complexities of addictions and/or mental health challenges by providing them the skills to become more equipped to start the recovery healing process.
  • Many people don’t understand why or how people become addicted to drugs. They mistakenly think that those who use drugs lack moral principles or willpower, and that they could stop their drug use simply by choosing to. Drug addiction is a complex disease and quitting usually takes more than good intentions or a strong will. Drugs change the brain in ways that make quitting hard, even for those who want to. Fortunately, researchers have found treatments that can help people recover from drug addiction and lead productive lives. Taken from:


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