Many of us become addicted to drugs and/or alcohol without even having to put any thought into it. It tends to form under many circumstances as a byproduct of situational occurrences that usually stem from negative life experiences or innocent moments of irresponsibility. Understanding the complexities of drug and alcohol addiction can be challenging but beneficial to our recovery. In this article Can-Am Interventions would like to bring awareness to the foundation of active addiction to better aid us in our quest for quality and lasting recovery.

Addiction is a chronic dysfunction that involves the reward, motivation and memory systems in the brain. To separate addiction from other neurological disorders, experts say that these four factors must be present.

Listed below are four factors, compulsion, craving, consequences and control, that are unique to addiction alone and are classified as the 4 C’s:

1. Compulsion

Compulsion means that an individual has an absolute and overpowering urge to fuel their addiction. The behavior may start impulsively, but as the addiction grows, it becomes a compulsive habit. By not partaking in the habit, agonizing anxiety occurs, affecting all other behaviors.

2. Craving

The urge to fuel the addiction becomes as demanding as hunger pain, mimicking a physical need. It feels like it is vital for survival. This urge often manifests as restlessness, insomnia and lack of appetite.

3. Consequences

Even when negative consequences become apparent, the behavior continues. Consequences of addiction include relationship, work, legal and money problems.

4. Control

Control of when or how the individual fuels their addiction is lost. Oftentimes, in the early stages of addiction, an individual will try to cut down or eliminate the behavior. This is impossible when the lack of control stage of addiction is reached.


The 4 C’s model is a simple approach to determine if someone is dealing with an addiction. If an individual is experiencing the 4 C’s of addiction, it is important to seek professional help. Can-Am Interventions is here to help people who are struggling with addiction at various stages, as well for people in active recovery. We are here to provide council and guidance, as well to provide the treatment and education necessary required for quality and lasting recovery. If you or someone you care about is struggling with addiction or are needing guidance in your recovery, please reach out to us today. Our sole commitment is to support your well-being and growth.

For More Information:

E: patti.pike@canaminterventions.com W: www.canaminterventions.com

1-800-638-1812 Toll Free Internationally 415-827-3725 Text 415-578-2875 Office

Written by Rob Baird

Take the first step.