Workplace impairment is an occupational health and safety issue that is of increasing concern to union employers, employees, and other stakeholders. Physical or mental impairment in the workplace can create a significant risk of injury and/or death to the impaired worker, co-worker, and even to members of the public. Can-Am Interventions would like to bring awareness to this very serious issue that occurs frequently every day in union workplaces and to provide a solution.

There are many types of impairment, but the most common substance-related causes of impairment in the workplace are:

  • The use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs
  • The use of prescription drugs to treat medical conditions
  • The use of over-the-counter medications (such as Sleeping aids or Cough syrup)

Impairment from substance use can cause physical and behavioral changes that affect a person’s ability to work safely. These changes can include:

  • Impaired judgment, perception, and decision making
  • Decreased motor co-ordination, reaction time, and sensory perception
  • Psychological or stress-related effects, such as mood swings or personality changes

Responsibilities of the employer and employee

Employers and employees share responsibility for managing impairment in the workplace. As an employee, you must tell your supervisor or employer if your ability to safely perform assigned work is impaired for any reason. If you have a physical or mental impairment, you must notify your employer of these circumstances that you cannot do this work because the impairment may create a risk to yourself or others.

As an employer, you must not assign work to employees where impairment may create undue risk. It is also the responsibility of the employer to not permit workers to remain at any workplace while their ability to work safely is affected by alcohol, drugs, or another substance or condition.

Union employers are required to develop policies and procedures that address impairment in the workplace. An impairment policy that takes a fitness-to-work approach to impairment can help to meet these workplace safety obligations. There should also be clear communication of impairment policy clearly to workers.


Drug and alcohol abuse in the union workplace is a very serious and ongoing issue. The stigma amongst union workers workplace conduct has not evolved enough over the many years of this problem and shows that this issue is very evident. Bringing awareness and open communication regarding this topic between employer and employee is very crucial to resolving the problem. Can-Am has worked with Businesses and employers, both union and non-union, to achieve healthier workplace standards that benefit both the employee and employers for safer and more productive work environments. If you are experiencing these types of issues in your workplace, or have any concerns related to these types of issues, please reach out to us today. We can help you achieve the standards employers and employees deserve.

For More Information:

E: patti.pike@canaminterventions.com

W: www.canaminterventions.com

1-800-638-1812 Toll Free Internationally

415-827-3725 Cell /Text

415-578-2875 Office

Written by Rob Baird

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