We hope to work with you!


CanAm Interventions vision is to support change by interrupting the cycle of addiction and/or mental health challenges by supporting individuals and their families, while providing a continuum of care. We cannot change the nature of the addictions or mental health; we can help to support others to make changes by striving to make recovery more available.


Our mission is to help individuals and their families by bringing hope and compassion to those affected by addiction and mental health challenges. Professional interventions are the first step to healing. 

We aim to provide families with an opportunity to help their loved ones change their lives. A chance for healing and recovery. We believe strongly when families engage in a professional intervention, they are giving their loved ones the complete support they need for healing and recovery.


  • We believe that people can change and improve the quality of their lives. 

  • We believe in treating our clients with respect and compassion.

  • We believe in listening with an open mind.

  • We believe that families should be able to be heard. 

  • We believe the entire family is the patient.

Message from our Founder

The number of individuals suffering from addiction and mental health challenges has continued to rise nationally, and the effects of substance abuse addictions have not only affected individuals that are addicted, but it also has a large effect on families and communities.

With 25 years of on-site experience in behavioral health, her dedication to this field is deeply personal. Our CEO Patricia Pike has been in recovery herself for 32 years. Patricia’s approach to helping others comes from compassion aiming to instill hope for clients. She does not end up in people’s lives by mistake.

Having heart to heart conversations with individuals about their addiction, along with family involvement is the first step to healing. You cannot change the nature of substance abuse addictions or mental health conditions, enlisting in professional services are the first step of change. 

Education Background

At CanAm Interventions, we take pride in having the highest standard of education and on-site experiences.

Our education affiliations included California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP), Canadian Addiction Counselors Certification Federation (CACCF), Association of Intervention Specialists (AIS) and Pennsylvania Certification Board for Certified Intervention Professionals (PCB/CIP).

The staff at CanAm Interventions is fully equipped to support families and their identified loved one(s) who are struggling with alcoholism, addiction and/or additional complex mental health conditions.

Call Today to Schedule a Free Consultation!

Call Today to Schedule a Free Consultation! Don’t wait! At CanAm Interventions, we provide a free 30-minute consultation. We specialize in working with complex addiction and/or mental health cases. We believe strongly in human connection and matching clients with the best resources to meet their individual needs. Our professional team is available to address the needs of our clients and guide families through what may feel like an insurmountable crisis.

We are available to take your call or email and can be reached 7/days a week by contacting our office.

If you need help with a family member or friend struggling with addiction or mental health challenges, you can reach out today!

Contact us Today!

 Toll Free Internationally 1-800-638-1812 415-827-3725 Cell /Text 415-578-2875 Office

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